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Sending e-books and audiobooks to reviewers can be handled through Miguel. A database of reviewers can be easily managed and submitted books to them. Reviewers only have access to books assigned to them.

Manage reviewers

In the section Reviewers you can manage the database of reviewers. You can add, edit and delete reviewers. When added new reviewer must fill in an e-mail. The name and surname of the reviewer can also be added, as well as notes. Any information can be edited at any time.

After adding a reviewer, it is necessary to assign him the books that he will evaluate. This can be done in several ways:

  • from the reviewer detail (where books are assigned to one reviewer), see Reviewers
  • from the book detail (where reviewers are assigned to one book), see Books management

Once a book or books have been assigned, the reviewer will get email with download links. Access to books revoked at anytime. No email is sent to the reviewer after access is revoked.

In the reviewer's detail, you can see a list of all the books assigned to the reviewer. You can also see here if the books were already downloaded.